Browse Articles By Tag: word blindness
Dyslexia can be a very problematic condition that particularly affects a person’s daily living activities. However, it is not one of those well known conditions like cancer, AIDS, and the likes. (...)
02.11.2012 · From TheAuthor
Dyslexia can also have some misleading symptoms that when manifested seems to be not a condition at all. Sometimes, this kind of symptoms seems like just incidences of carelessness. However, if they happen too often, it is something that you shouldn’t overlook. (...)
31.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Recently, a lot of attention has been given to the rights of people with disabilities. These rights include being able to have work, and not be discriminated by his or her colleagues. The workplace should also provide proper support for their employees’ condition,...
29.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
If you are planning to get an assessment for your suspected dyslexia, there are some choices that you must consider. Basically, you can get a formal dyslexia screening or assessment from a couple of professionals that are allowed to do so. (...)
28.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
One condition that a dyslexic person may have is the Irlen Syndrome. This condition is very much related to dyslexia since, they both have a number of similar symptoms. Additionally, a lot of dyslexics have this syndrome, along with having dyslexia itself. (...)
28.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
A lot of companies nowadays are opening their doors to people with disabilities, including those with dyslexia. If you have a coworker or colleague with this condition, it should not be the case that you belittle him or her because of his or her condition. (...)
25.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
People with dyslexia can have problems on remembering numbers and codes. In the adult world, having this ability is important, since this is related in managing bank accounts and dealing with monetary issues. (...)
23.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Having dyslexia can have a great effect on your life. It can also affect how people treat you and how they see you. If you and other people are not aware that you have dyslexia, then be ready for a big emotional crisis with your life. (...)
22.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Adult dyslexics can face a lot of educational and training issues due to their condition. However, such learning problems are addressed through special education and training. Special Schooling For Dyslexics One common issue is whether there is special schooling...
20.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that affects people of all ages. Just as with other disabilities, early detection of the condition and early intervention are beneficial to the person with the disability. However, this is not always the case with dyslexia. (...)
19.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Dyslexia is a condition that you should not be afraid of. Additionally, it is something that you should not be ashamed of. In fact, a lot of dyslexic people are very much successful. Some of these people are Da Vinci, Einstein, Susan Hampshire and Jackie Stewart. (...)
18.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
A lot of adults who are potential dyslexics have second thoughts on getting a formal assessment for dyslexia. If you are one of them, then it’s about time that you stop thinking this way. Getting an assessment is actually not so hard at all. (...)
18.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
As an adult, after you undergo a formal dyslexia assessment, your psychologist would give you some general instructions on how you can deal with problems that dyslexia can bring about. This is done since as an adult, you are expected to understand and know already how...
16.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Dyslexia is one of the many learning disabilities that have an effect on language, and the acquisition of new knowledge. However, if you suspect that you have this condition, you should get a formal assessment. (...)
15.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
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